Finding Higher Quality Ingredients

Restaurant Equipment To Assist With Expanding Your Product Line

by Marvin Martin

If your restaurant is well known for the cold cut sandwiches that are prepared fresh daily, take things to a new level by selling sliced meat, rolls, bread, and condiments that your clients can bring home with them. People will still be able to enjoy a sandwich on the premises, but they can also make their own renditions of your creations with the products that they purchase from your business.

Purchase A New Slicer, Scale, And Accessories

If up until now you have been purchasing pre-sliced meat and cheese, you may decide to purchase products in bulk that have not been sliced, especially if the products cost less than the ones that you normally buy. If this is the case, you will need to purchase a manual or electric slicer to get the job done. A slicer is a powerful tool that will help you and your employees prepare uniform slices.

In addition, you will need a scale, plastic and paper packaging, and tape. Buy the items you need through a restaurant equipment supplier. Before you begin selling the additions, train your staff members to use the equipment. When using the slicer, safety precautions need to be followed to protect your employees from injuring themselves. Ensure that your workers wear gloves and hats and that they sanitize the equipment at the end of each shift.

Buy A Case To Store The Sliced Items And Additional Perishables

Even if you advertise that you are selling sliced items, breads, and perishables, your clients will likely appreciate viewing the options before making their selections. Purchase a refrigerated case to store the items in.

Either a multi-tiered glass case or a single refrigerated unit that contains a glass cover can be used to do this. Decide where you would like to install the equipment. The lobby or the area where customers pay their bills will be suitable. Purchase a storage case or unit that contains interior lighting so that attention is drawn to the products. Separate the meat and cheese varieties and place them in separate portions of the refrigerated unit.

Use placards or labels to identify each meat and cheese variety. Add bottled dressings, relishes, and other condiments, to another portion of the unit. At the end of the day, inspect the contents of the case and dispose of any products that are not fresh. Restock items so that they will be available for purchase the following morning.
